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        The Project, It’s Start-Up, And It’s Future

Insights From:

: The sorting can’t be based on a number system since it will leave you incapable of adding another book!!!!

T4:  The detection of the misplaced book is based on alphabetizing the first 10 characters of the titles.

Q 1: How will the user get his product, and how will his personal books be assigned to the RFID tags?

Q 2: What’s the difference if you put a # / color system with labels on the brims of the books that you can run your eyes by, to realize if there is a missed place book and then have a label for the location, in contrast with a scanner?

Q 3: Doesn’t it tell you where it goes after it has been misplaced?!?!?

Q 4:  If the books are thin will the scanner get confused with the books

Q5: How will it know when it’s restarting a row? How will it know if the first book is misplaced?

                             Implemented Ideas

A1: Option 1: As he purchases the item off the website he enters in all the titles (by author or by title) and an automatic writer writes the info on the tags one by one. This will be easier for the buyer.

Option 2: The buyer himself writes each of the names on the RFID tags titles. This gives the buyer more freedom of getting the right tags now and changing them at his will. This option can be combined with the first. SIDE: It’ll be easy for the libraries that already have the RFID tags written

Option 3:Give out already encoded tags with 2 or 3 letters (starting from AA AB AC etc.).Pros: no need to write or enter in the titles Cons: it would require some more instructions and the max books in-between would only be 26 (or more if you use 3 letters)

A2: 1: the stickers may appear ugly or damage the book, unlike the RFID tags which is capable of being scanned inside the flap of the cover 2: a person can make a mistake. 3: The possibility of too many books!

 MAIN Goal: ultimately scanning all the books while running on a track. This would be especially helpful if you have many books.

A3: This can be included.

A4: Maybe, but this may be able to be avoided by placing the tags wisely that they don’t come close. Yet a long term solution is getting a better scanner, which should do the trick.

A5: There shall be an RFID tag before each row notifying the scanner to start alphabetizing from “A” again and expect a new first book (this is optional). (The coding for this was not mastered).



Some problems:  

1: If a book was misplaced when someone comes to retrieve the book in the specific place it won’t be available!

2: A messy library

The definition of its future:

Tough problem easy solution:

      How can we easily and efficiently track down these misplaced books, to help those who need their libraries in order?  

                                             Answer                                 By using an automatic “libra scanner” to find the books on its own!                                        How…………..?////////

Some logical problems & solutions; 1. How to store the memory where all the books should be in the Arduino

Solution. Have the invention compare the book in question with only the books around it and forget everything else

2. With what book is there to compare the first book to know if it’s in the right spot

Solution. Have the Arduino memorize that that should be the first book

3.What if you have multiple rows that start over in their alphabetized order and have a new first book

Solution.  Scan a tag (not attached to a book) to notify for which row it is to expect as the first book.

                           The rough void loop

  • Scan a tag (not attached to a book) to notify for which row it is to expect as the first book;

  • Test for the first book once;

  • Scan 2nd book

  • Test if the letters of the second book come after the first book

  • Scan the 3rd book and call it the 1st book

  • Test if the first book(the third) comes after the second book then start again at the third bullet

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